This post demonstrates how to display data as a barcode within a report. Code sample and barcode font are included.
To keep things simple, the following design choices will apply:
- Barcodes will be displayed using Code 39 specification. For more information on encoding and supported characters, refer to Code 39 from Wikipedia.
- A very simple report is provided to display Payment terms. The PaymTerm.PaymTermId field and its barcode format are shown on the report.
May 10, 2004 I could use any barcode font, but they say we will have better luck with the Code 128. Quote: I have the font(s) BC C128 Medium, Narrow and Wide and BC C128 HD Medium, Narrow and Wide. Create Code 128 barcodes in any program supporting TrueType fonts. This package contains Code 128 Subsets A, B, and C, as well as fonts without human readable text.
Barcode font
The workstation where barcodes will be printed must have the appropriate font installed. In our example, we’ll be using BC C39 3 to 1 HD font. The exact installation location for the font might vary by operating system, but it usually can be found at:
In case you don’t have this font, you can download BC C39 3 to 1 HD It includes three versions:
- BC C39 3 to 1 HD Narrow
- BC C39 3 to 1 HD Medium
- BC C39 3 to 1 HD Wide
Code sample
Import Report_SampleBarcodeReport.xpo into your Dynamics AX 2009 test instance and then open it from the AOT.
AOT > Reports > SampleBarcodeReport
Bc C128 Hd Wide Font Generator For Sale
There are a couple things to note. First, the barCode() method encodes the field’s data (PaymTermId) in the proper format.
Second, some properties are set on the Barcode string control.
Run the report and send the output to the screen. It should look similar to this:
Generate a test barcode for comparison. You can use a free online barcode generator to produce a sample barcode with the data you specify. For this example, let’s generate a Code 39 barcode for the value “COD”.
Compare the sample with the corresponding barcode from your report. They should be the same.
You can also verify that the barcode font is properly installed on your workstation by using Microsoft Word. Create a Word document with test data “COD”.
Notice that leading and trailing asterisks surround the test data value. This is a requirement of the Code 39 specification. However, note that you do NOT need to provide these asterisks when supplying data for the barcode field within your AX report. Those characters will be added automatically by the barCode() method.
Printing barcodes is fairly simple as you can see, but there are some pitfalls. If you’re producing barcodes which fail to scan properly, try the following suggestions.
Confirm that your barcode scanner is working properly.
First, confirm that your scanner is capable of reading the barcode type you’ve selected (e.g. Code 39) and make sure that it’s properly configured. You should test the scanner using a barcode of the same type that was produced by a source other than your report.
Bc C128 Hd Wide Font Generator Software
Adjust white space before and after the barcode.
If there is no white space before or after the barcode, it might not scan properly. Make sure that there is at least 1/4 inch of white space on either side of the barcode.
Increase the barcode field length.
Sometimes the field displaying the barcode is not wide enough in the report designer. This can happen either when the Width property is set to Auto or even when it’s manually specified. Try expanding the field as necessary to prevent the barcode from being distorted due to compression.
Use a wider version of the barcode font.
Some scanners have difficulty reading the narrow version of a barcode font. Try using a medium or wide version instead.
Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations has evolved into purpose-built applications to help you manage specific business functions. For more information about these changes, see Dynamics 365 Licensing Guide.
Finance and Operations apps include access to hundreds of standard, business-ready fonts available for documents rendered by the cloud-hosted service.
This portfolio will continue to grow as the service expands into new regions and industries. However, the service no longer supports the installation of custom fonts in customer environments. Requests to expand the collection of fonts supported by the service will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
The following list captures the portfolio of font families available for documents produced using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) services in Finance and Operations apps.
Supported fonts for application version 8.3 with Platform update 32 or later
Font family | Source |
Agency FB | Office font |
Algerian | Office font |
Arial | Finance and Operations font |
Arial Black | Finance and Operations font |
Arial Narrow | Finance and Operations font |
Arial Rounded MT Bold | Office font |
Baskerville Old Face | Office font |
Bauhaus 93 | Office font |
BC C128 HD Medium | Finance and Operations font |
BC C128 HD Narrow | Finance and Operations font |
BC C128 HD Wide | Finance and Operations font |
BC C128 Medium | Finance and Operations font |
BC C128 Narrow | Finance and Operations font |
BC C128 Wide | Finance and Operations font |
BC C39 2 to 1 HD Medium | Finance and Operations font |
BC C39 2 to 1 HD Narrow | Finance and Operations font |
BC C39 2 to 1 HD Wide | Finance and Operations font |
BC C39 2 to 1 Medium | Finance and Operations font |
BC C39 2 to 1 Narrow | Finance and Operations font |
BC C39 2 to 1 Wide | Finance and Operations font |
BC C39 3 to 1 HD Medium | Finance and Operations font |
BC C39 3 to 1 HD Narrow | Finance and Operations font |
BC C39 3 to 1 HD Wide | Finance and Operations font |
BC C39 3 to 1 Medium | Finance and Operations font |
BC C39 3 to 1 Narrow | Finance and Operations font |
BC C39 3 to 1 Wide | Finance and Operations font |
BC CBar 2 to 1 HD Medium | Finance and Operations font |
BC CBar 2 to 1 HD Narrow | Finance and Operations font |
BC CBar 2 to 1 HD Wide | Finance and Operations font |
BC CBar 2 to 1 Medium | Finance and Operations font |
BC CBar 2 to 1 Narrow | Finance and Operations font |
BC CBar 2 to 1 Wide | Finance and Operations font |
BC CBar 3 to 1 HD Medium | Finance and Operations font |
BC CBar 3 to 1 HD Narrow | Finance and Operations font |
BC CBar 3 to 1 HD Wide | Finance and Operations font |
BC CBar 3 to 1 Medium | Finance and Operations font |
BC CBar 3 to 1 Narrow | Finance and Operations font |
BC CBar 3 to 1 Wide | Finance and Operations font |
BC I25 HD Medium | Finance and Operations font |
BC I25 HD Narrow | Finance and Operations font |
BC I25 HD Wide | Finance and Operations font |
BC I25 Medium | Finance and Operations font |
BC I25 Narrow | Finance and Operations font |
BC I25 Wide | Finance and Operations font |
BC Postnet | Finance and Operations font |
BC UPC HD Medium | Finance and Operations font |
BC UPC HD Narrow | Finance and Operations font |
BC UPC HD Wide | Finance and Operations font |
BC UPC Medium | Finance and Operations font |
BC UPC Narrow | Finance and Operations font |
BC UPC Wide | Finance and Operations font |
Bell MT | Office font |
Berlin Sans FB | Office font |
Berlin Sans FB Demi | Office font |
Bernard MT Condensed | Office font |
Blackadder ITC | Office font |
Bodoni MT | Office font |
Bodoni MT Black | Office font |
Bodoni MT Condensed | Office font |
Bodoni MT Poster Compres | Office font |
Book Antiqua | Office font |
Bookman Old Style | Office font |
Bookshelf Symbol 7 | Office font |
Bradley Hand ITC | Office font |
Britannic Bold | Office font |
Broadway | Office font |
Brush Script MT | Office font |
Buxton Sketch | Office font |
Calibri | Finance and Operations font |
Calibri Light | Finance and Operations font |
Californian FB | Office font |
Calisto MT | Office font |
Cambria | Finance and Operations font |
Cambria Math | Finance and Operations font |
Candara | Finance and Operations font |
Castellar | Office font |
Centaur | Office font |
Century | Office font |
Century Gothic | Office font |
Century Schoolbook | Office font |
Chiller | Office font |
Colonna MT | Office font |
Comic Sans MS | Finance and Operations font |
Consolas | Finance and Operations font |
Constantia | Finance and Operations font |
Cooper Black | Office font |
Copperplate Gothic Bold | Office font |
Copperplate Gothic Light | Office font |
Corbel | Finance and Operations font |
Courier New | Finance and Operations font |
Curlz MT | Office font |
DengXian | Office font |
Dotum | Finance and Operations font |
DotumChe | Finance and Operations font |
Ebrima | Finance and Operations font |
Edwardian Script ITC | Office font |
Elephant | Office font |
Engravers MT | Office font |
Eras Bold ITC | Office font |
Eras Demi ITC | Office font |
Eras Light ITC | Office font |
Eras Medium ITC | Office font |
Felix Titling | Office font |
Footlight MT Light | Office font |
Forte | Office font |
Franklin Gothic Book | Office font |
Franklin Gothic Demi | Office font |
Franklin Gothic Demi Con | Office font |
Franklin Gothic Heavy | Office font |
Franklin Gothic Medium | Finance and Operations font |
Franklin Gothic Medium C | Office font |
Freestyle Script | Office font |
French Script MT | Office font |
Gabriola | Finance and Operations font |
Gadugi | Finance and Operations font |
Garamond | Office font |
Georgia | Finance and Operations font |
Gigi | Office font |
Gill Sans MT | Office font |
Gill Sans MT Condensed | Office font |
Gill Sans MT Ext Condens | Office font |
Gill Sans Ultra Bold | Office font |
Gill Sans Ultra Bold Con | Office font |
Gloucester MT Extra Cond | Office font |
Goudy Old Style | Office font |
Goudy Stout | Office font |
Gulim | Finance and Operations font |
GulimChe | Finance and Operations font |
Haettenschweiler | Office font |
Harlow Solid Italic | Office font |
Harrington | Office font |
High Tower Text | Office font |
IDAutomationMICR | Finance and Operations font |
Impact | Finance and Operations font |
Imprint MT Shadow | Office font |
Informal Roman | Office font |
Javanese Text | Finance and Operations font |
Jokerman | Office font |
Juice ITC | Office font |
Kristen ITC | Office font |
Kunstler Script | Office font |
Leelawadee | Office font |
Leelawadee UI | Finance and Operations font |
Leelawadee UI Semilight | Finance and Operations font |
Lucida Bright | Office font |
Lucida Calligraphy | Office font |
Lucida Console | Finance and Operations font |
Lucida Fax | Office font |
Lucida Handwriting | Office font |
Lucida Sans | Office font |
Lucida Sans Typewriter | Office font |
Lucida Sans Unicode | Finance and Operations font |
Magneto | Office font |
Maiandra GD | Office font |
Malgun Gothic | Finance and Operations font |
Malgun Gothic Semilight | Finance and Operations font |
Marlett | Finance and Operations font |
Matura MT Script Capital | Office font |
MICR E13B 2.1 | Finance and Operations font |
Microsoft Himalaya | Finance and Operations font |
Microsoft JhengHei | Finance and Operations font |
Microsoft JhengHei Light | Finance and Operations font |
Microsoft JhengHei UI | Finance and Operations font |
Microsoft JhengHei UI Li | Office font |
Microsoft MHei | Office font |
Microsoft NeoGothic | Office font |
Microsoft New Tai Lue | Finance and Operations font |
Microsoft PhagsPa | Finance and Operations font |
Microsoft Sans Serif | Finance and Operations font |
Microsoft Tai Le | Finance and Operations font |
Microsoft Uighur | Office font |
Microsoft YaHei | Finance and Operations font |
Microsoft YaHei Light | Finance and Operations font |
Microsoft YaHei UI | Finance and Operations font |
Microsoft YaHei UI Light | Finance and Operations font |
Microsoft Yi Baiti | Finance and Operations font |
MingLiU | Finance and Operations font |
MingLiU-ExtB | Finance and Operations font |
MingLiU_HKSCS | Finance and Operations font |
MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB | Finance and Operations font |
Mistral | Office font |
Modern No. 20 | Office font |
Mongolian Baiti | Finance and Operations font |
Monotype Corsiva | Office font |
MS Gothic | Finance and Operations font |
MS Outlook | Office font |
MS PGothic | Finance and Operations font |
MS Reference Sans Serif | Office font |
MS Reference Specialty | Office font |
MS UI Gothic | Finance and Operations font |
MT Extra | Office font |
MV Boli | Finance and Operations font |
Myanmar Text | Finance and Operations font |
Niagara Engraved | Office font |
Niagara Solid | Office font |
Nirmala UI | Finance and Operations font |
Nirmala UI Semilight | Finance and Operations font |
NSimSun | Finance and Operations font |
OCR A Extended | Office font |
OCRB | Finance and Operations font |
Old English Text MT | Office font |
Onyx | Office font |
Palace Script MT | Office font |
Palatino Linotype | Finance and Operations font |
Papyrus | Office font |
Parchment | Office font |
Perpetua | Office font |
Perpetua Titling MT | Office font |
Playbill | Office font |
PMingLiU | Finance and Operations font |
PMingLiU-ExtB | Finance and Operations font |
Poor Richard | Office font |
Pristina | Office font |
Rage Italic | Office font |
Ravie | Office font |
Rockwell | Office font |
Rockwell Condensed | Office font |
Rockwell Extra Bold | Office font |
Script MT Bold | Office font |
Segoe Marker | Office font |
Segoe MDL2 Assets | Finance and Operations font |
Segoe Print | Finance and Operations font |
Segoe Script | Finance and Operations font |
Segoe UI | Finance and Operations font |
Segoe UI Black | Finance and Operations font |
Segoe UI Emoji | Finance and Operations font |
Segoe UI Historic | Finance and Operations font |
Segoe UI Light | Finance and Operations font |
Segoe UI Semibold | Finance and Operations font |
Segoe UI Semilight | Finance and Operations font |
Segoe UI Symbol | Finance and Operations font |
Segoe WP | Office font |
Segoe WP Black | Office font |
Segoe WP Light | Office font |
Segoe WP Semibold | Office font |
Segoe WP SemiLight | Office font |
Showcard Gothic | Office font |
SimSun | Finance and Operations font |
SimSun-ExtB | Finance and Operations font |
Sitka Banner | Finance and Operations font |
Sitka Display | Finance and Operations font |
Sitka Heading | Finance and Operations font |
Sitka Small | Finance and Operations font |
Sitka Subheading | Finance and Operations font |
Sitka Text | Finance and Operations font |
SketchFlow Print | Office font |
Snap ITC | Office font |
Stencil | Office font |
Sylfaen | Finance and Operations font |
Symbol | Finance and Operations font |
Tahoma | Finance and Operations font |
Tempus Sans ITC | Office font |
Times New Roman | Finance and Operations font |
Trebuchet MS | Finance and Operations font |
Tw Cen MT | Office font |
Tw Cen MT Condensed | Office font |
Tw Cen MT Condensed Extr | Office font |
Verdana | Finance and Operations font |
Viner Hand ITC | Office font |
Vivaldi | Office font |
Vladimir Script | Office font |
Webdings | Finance and Operations font |
Wide Latin | Office font |
Wingdings | Finance and Operations font |
Wingdings 2 | Office font |
Wingdings 3 | Office font |
Yu Gothic | Finance and Operations font |
Yu Gothic Light | Finance and Operations font |
Yu Gothic Medium | Finance and Operations font |
Yu Gothic UI | Finance and Operations font |
Yu Gothic UI Light | Finance and Operations font |
Yu Gothic UI Semibold | Finance and Operations font |
Yu Gothic UI Semilight | Finance and Operations font |
Supported fonts for application version 8.0 with Platform update 23
Font family | |
1 | Agency FB |
2 | Algerian |
3 | Arial |
4 | Arial Black |
5 | Arial Narrow |
6 | Arial Rounded MT Bold |
7 | Baskerville Old Face |
8 | Bauhaus 93 |
9 | BC C128 HD Medium |
10 | BC C128 HD Narrow |
11 | BC C128 HD Wide |
12 | BC C128 Medium |
13 | BC C128 Narrow |
14 | BC C128 Wide |
15 | BC C39 2 to 1 HD Medium |
16 | BC C39 2 to 1 HD Narrow |
17 | BC C39 2 to 1 HD Wide |
18 | BC C39 2 to 1 Medium |
19 | BC C39 2 to 1 Narrow |
20 | BC C39 2 to 1 Wide |
21 | BC C39 3 to 1 HD Medium |
22 | BC C39 3 to 1 HD Narrow |
23 | BC C39 3 to 1 HD Wide |
24 | BC C39 3 to 1 Medium |
25 | BC C39 3 to 1 Narrow |
26 | BC C39 3 to 1 Wide |
27 | BC CBar 2 to 1 HD Medium |
28 | BC CBar 2 to 1 HD Narrow |
29 | BC CBar 2 to 1 HD Wide |
30 | BC CBar 2 to 1 Medium |
31 | BC CBar 2 to 1 Narrow |
32 | BC CBar 2 to 1 Wide |
33 | BC CBar 3 to 1 HD Medium |
34 | BC CBar 3 to 1 HD Narrow |
35 | BC CBar 3 to 1 HD Wide |
36 | BC CBar 3 to 1 Medium |
37 | BC CBar 3 to 1 Narrow |
38 | BC CBar 3 to 1 Wide |
39 | BC I25 HD Medium |
40 | BC I25 HD Narrow |
41 | BC I25 HD Wide |
42 | BC I25 Medium |
43 | BC I25 Narrow |
44 | BC I25 Wide |
45 | BC Postnet |
46 | BC UPC HD Medium |
47 | BC UPC HD Narrow |
48 | BC UPC HD Wide |
49 | BC UPC Medium |
50 | BC UPC Narrow |
51 | BC UPC Wide |
52 | Bell MT |
53 | Berlin Sans FB |
54 | Berlin Sans FB Demi |
55 | Bernard MT Condensed |
56 | Blackadder ITC |
57 | Bodoni MT |
58 | Bodoni MT Black |
59 | Bodoni MT Condensed |
60 | Bodoni MT Poster Compres |
61 | Book Antiqua |
62 | Bookman Old Style |
63 | Bookshelf Symbol 7 |
64 | Bradley Hand ITC |
65 | Britannic Bold |
66 | Broadway |
67 | Brush Script MT |
68 | Buxton Sketch |
69 | Calibri |
70 | Calibri Light |
71 | Californian FB |
72 | Calisto MT |
73 | Cambria |
74 | Cambria Math |
75 | Candara |
76 | Castellar |
77 | Centaur |
78 | Century |
79 | Century Gothic |
80 | Century Schoolbook |
81 | Chiller |
82 | Colonna MT |
83 | Comic Sans MS |
84 | Consolas |
85 | Constantia |
86 | Cooper Black |
87 | Copperplate Gothic Bold |
88 | Copperplate Gothic Light |
89 | Corbel |
90 | Courier New |
91 | Curlz MT |
92 | DengXian |
93 | Dotum |
94 | DotumChe |
95 | Ebrima |
96 | Edwardian Script ITC |
97 | Elephant |
98 | Engravers MT |
99 | Eras Bold ITC |
100 | Eras Demi ITC |
101 | Eras Light ITC |
102 | Eras Medium ITC |
103 | Felix Titling |
104 | Footlight MT Light |
105 | Forte |
106 | Franklin Gothic Book |
107 | Franklin Gothic Demi |
108 | Franklin Gothic Demi Con |
109 | Franklin Gothic Heavy |
110 | Franklin Gothic Medium |
111 | Franklin Gothic Medium C |
112 | Freestyle Script |
113 | French Script MT |
114 | Gabriola |
115 | Gadugi |
116 | Garamond |
117 | Georgia |
118 | Gigi |
119 | Gill Sans MT |
120 | Gill Sans MT Condensed |
121 | Gill Sans MT Ext Condens |
122 | Gill Sans Ultra Bold |
123 | Gill Sans Ultra Bold Con |
124 | Gloucester MT Extra Cond |
125 | Goudy Old Style |
126 | Goudy Stout |
127 | Gulim |
128 | GulimChe |
129 | Haettenschweiler |
130 | Harlow Solid Italic |
131 | Harrington |
132 | High Tower Text |
133 | IDAutomationMICR |
134 | Impact |
135 | Imprint MT Shadow |
136 | Informal Roman |
137 | Javanese Text |
138 | Jokerman |
139 | Juice ITC |
140 | Kristen ITC |
141 | Kunstler Script |
142 | Leelawadee |
143 | Leelawadee UI |
144 | Leelawadee UI Semilight |
145 | Lucida Bright |
146 | Lucida Calligraphy |
147 | Lucida Console |
148 | Lucida Fax |
149 | Lucida Handwriting |
150 | Lucida Sans |
151 | Lucida Sans Typewriter |
152 | Lucida Sans Unicode |
153 | Magneto |
154 | Maiandra GD |
155 | Malgun Gothic |
156 | Malgun Gothic Semilight |
157 | Marlett |
158 | Matura MT Script Capital |
159 | MICR E13B 2.1 |
160 | Microsoft Himalaya |
161 | Microsoft JhengHei |
162 | Microsoft JhengHei Light |
163 | Microsoft JhengHei UI |
164 | Microsoft JhengHei UI Li |
165 | Microsoft MHei |
166 | Microsoft NeoGothic |
167 | Microsoft New Tai Lue |
168 | Microsoft PhagsPa |
169 | Microsoft Sans Serif |
170 | Microsoft Tai Le |
171 | Microsoft Uighur |
172 | Microsoft YaHei |
173 | Microsoft YaHei Light |
174 | Microsoft YaHei UI |
175 | Microsoft YaHei UI Light |
176 | Microsoft Yi Baiti |
177 | MingLiU |
178 | MingLiU-ExtB |
179 | MingLiU_HKSCS |
180 | MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB |
181 | Mistral |
182 | Modern No. 20 |
183 | Mongolian Baiti |
184 | Monotype Corsiva |
185 | MS Gothic |
186 | MS Outlook |
187 | MS PGothic |
188 | MS Reference Sans Serif |
189 | MS Reference Specialty |
190 | MS UI Gothic |
191 | MT Extra |
192 | MV Boli |
193 | Myanmar Text |
194 | Niagara Engraved |
195 | Niagara Solid |
196 | Nirmala UI |
197 | Nirmala UI Semilight |
198 | NSimSun |
199 | OCR A Extended |
200 | OCRB |
201 | Old English Text MT |
202 | Onyx |
203 | Palace Script MT |
204 | Palatino Linotype |
205 | Papyrus |
206 | Parchment |
207 | Perpetua |
208 | Perpetua Titling MT |
209 | Playbill |
210 | PMingLiU |
211 | PMingLiU-ExtB |
212 | Poor Richard |
213 | Pristina |
214 | Rage Italic |
215 | Ravie |
216 | Rockwell |
217 | Rockwell Condensed |
218 | Rockwell Extra Bold |
219 | Script MT Bold |
220 | Segoe Marker |
221 | Segoe MDL2 Assets |
222 | Segoe Print |
223 | Segoe Script |
224 | Segoe UI |
225 | Segoe UI Black |
226 | Segoe UI Emoji |
227 | Segoe UI Historic |
228 | Segoe UI Light |
229 | Segoe UI Semibold |
230 | Segoe UI Semilight |
231 | Segoe UI Symbol |
232 | Segoe WP |
233 | Segoe WP Black |
234 | Segoe WP Light |
235 | Segoe WP Semibold |
236 | Segoe WP SemiLight |
237 | Showcard Gothic |
238 | SimSun |
239 | SimSun-ExtB |
240 | Sitka Banner |
241 | Sitka Display |
242 | Sitka Heading |
243 | Sitka Small |
244 | Sitka Subheading |
245 | Sitka Text |
246 | SketchFlow Print |
247 | Snap ITC |
248 | Stencil |
249 | Sylfaen |
250 | Symbol |
251 | Tahoma |
252 | Tempus Sans ITC |
253 | Times New Roman |
254 | Trebuchet MS |
255 | Tw Cen MT |
256 | Tw Cen MT Condensed |
257 | Tw Cen MT Condensed Extr |
258 | Verdana |
259 | Viner Hand ITC |
260 | Vivaldi |
261 | Vladimir Script |
262 | Webdings |
263 | Wide Latin |
264 | Wingdings |
265 | Wingdings 2 |
266 | Wingdings 3 |
267 | Yu Gothic |
268 | Yu Gothic Light |
269 | Yu Gothic Medium |
270 | Yu Gothic UI |
271 | Yu Gothic UI Light |
272 | Yu Gothic UI Semibold |
273 | Yu Gothic UI Semilight |